Gap Filler Detail

1963 – National Archives of Canada

Min (5)

File: S10-136-80/5 TD2269 (DCEP)
Date: 8 Jan 63

Referred to: DCEM

Completion of Construction
Gap Filler Radar Stations, Various.

As an alternative to CEU completing the outstanding wok at various Gap Filler Radar Stations, which are nearly completed, it is suggested that ADC and the parent radar station involved carry out this work on a local contract or day labour and material.

It is proposed that the installation of the diesel alternator sets and associated equipment be done by the supplier, Sheridan Equipment Limited. In addition to this common work on all of these sites, the balance of the work will vary on individual sites and includes such items as the following:

  1. Painting, interior and exterior

  2. Floor tiles, supply and installation

  3. Completion of electrical and mechanical work, including testing.

  4. Completion of exterior grounding system, including testing.

  5. Completion of fire alarm system

  6. Completion of fuel oil system

  7. Security Fencing

  8. Grading and clean-up of building site.

  9. Install waveguide and conduit openings.

  10. Brush control spraying

The sites involved are those listed on our memo of 25 Sep 62.

Your directorate has already arranged with ADC for the maintenance of the access roads and installation of commercial power will be done by the appropriate power authority, so this proposal covers the remaining minor items of work.

If you agree with this basic concept, details will be provided for the outstanding work at individual sites.

(MC Hyslop) W/C