Gap Filler Detail

1959 – National Archives of Canada

S10-136-80/5 (JDPG)


18 Dec 59

Ref S949-101 (ATSC) of 27 Nov 59
Minutes of Meeting #9 to Approve Siting Reports


Gap Filler Radar Stations
Preliminary Cost Estimates

In accordance with para 36, item 16 of the Minutes of Meeting #9 held in ATSC Conference Room on 24 Nov 59 to approve GATR and SAGE Annex Siting Reports and Gap Filler Reports, the preliminary cost estimates for 35 Gap Filler Radar Stations, for which a TB submission has been forwarded, are attached for your information.

The cost estimates have been prepared on the following basis:

  1. The Radar and Power Buildings will be prefabricated steel structures. The Radar Building will be approximately 1,400 sq ft in size and the Power Building, including emergency living quarters, will be approximately 700 sqn ft for 1 APU and approximately 1,200 sq ft for 3 APUs.

  2. The estimated cost of improving and/or constructing the power line to the site has been included.

  3. The estimated cost of a dual power line and control system between the Radar and Power Building has been included.

  4. The estimates are based on three possible site layouts with the separation between the Radar and Power Buildings being as follows:

    1. Ideal site 5 to 10 ft

    2. Average site 50 to 100 ft

    3. Difficult site 1,000 to 2,000 ft

    The final selection of the site layout will not be made until the Field Survey Report has been received from the consultant.

In the attached list, an explanation is given for the items(s) which contribute to the cost estimate exceeding $200,000.00 for any one station. Estimates for access road and power line are shown when they exceeded $25,000.

(JW Griffith) G/C