Mickelson, Fraser & Haywood
Engineers and Architects
PO Box 186 Fort William, Ont - PO Box 754 Port Arthur, Ont
January 7, 1060
Chief of the Air Staff
Air Force Headquarters,
Ottawa, Ontario
Attention: CCE - Victoria Island
Dear Sir:
Re: Progress Statement,
Gap Filler Radar Stations,
Northwestern Ontario
Ref: 10-36-80/5 JDPG
Your letter dated January 4, 1960 crossed ours dated January 5, 1960, forwarding our progress statement to December 31, 1959.
As far as can be forecast, completion dates for Field Survey Reports and Drawings will be as follows:
AFHQ Job No:
5063 - March 6, 1960
5073 - February 22, 1960
5074 - January 22, 1960
5075 - February 7, 1960
5076 - January 31, 1960
5077 - January 22, 1960
5078 - January 25, 1960
5079 - Completed
Yours very truly,
per RA Campling