Gap Filler Detail

1960 – National Archives of Canada

10-36-80/5 (JDPG)

Victoria Island,
Ottawa, Ontario

17 February 1960

Commanding Officer,
Army Survey Establishment, RCE
Military Stores Building,
Ottawa, Ontario

Request for Advance Copies of Topographical Maps

A requirement exists for the latest topographical maps in the course of selecting sites for Air Defence Installations. When possible, these latest maps are obtained from Dept of Mines & Technical Surveys in ozalid from on a scale of 1:40,000 or advance prints on a scale of 1:50,000. It is understood that the following sheets required by this Headquarters have been compiled by the Army Survey Establishment:

52 G/2
52 E/1, E/2, E/7, E/8, E/9, E/10

May three prints or one transparency of each of the above noted sheets be provided on a scale of 1:50,000 or 1:40,000.

(JW Griffith) G/C
for CAS