10-36-80/5 (DCEP)
23 Jan 61
Standard Radar Bldg & Power & Accommdation Bldg
Gap Filler Radar Stations
Following a complete review of USAF-AW-60-03-01, AD-60-03-01-R2 and GEEIA-ROZ-1028 and 1042 series of drawings, the electrical design of the a/n buildings cannot proceed due to the absence of a clear definition of the electrical system required in the buildings. It is requested that the following information be provided and any other related data not specifically requested:
It is the intention of the RCAF to provide a clear opening in the end wall of the Radar building covered by an exterior and interior plate for the passage of the waveguide and cables to the tower through pipe sleeves as requested. It is also intended to provide a signal circuit and light from the Power and Accommodation building to the Radar building to indicate the status of commercial power and/or diesel generators at any time. The location of the terminal of this circuit in relationship with Panel "D" or the 8" x 8" duct is requested and any other details of the signalling system essential to our construction of the building.
If any of the information requested above cannot be provided owing to the current redesign of the radar equipment, then the power requirements in the Radar building (other than housekeeping loads) will have to be stated in some other manner, in order for the RCAF to determine the total requirements for both buildings.
(JW Griffith) G/C