Gap Filler Detail

1959 – National Archives of Canada

10-36-80/5 (JDPG)


7 Apr 59


Gap Filler Radar Stations - Pinetree
Building and Tower Design Criteria

It is requested that the following information be obtained from CTel/ATSC in order that preliminary work may be commenced on the design of the Gap Filler Radar Building and any modifications to the Std Radar Tower AB467. It is recognized that the standard building will be based on the USAF Dwg Nos AW-60-03-01, sheets 1 to 9, but it would maintain uniformity if ATSC would produce the military characteristics for this building under the headings listed in the attached Appendix. This procedure has been followed in the past for the design of such buildings as the Aerodrome Control Transmitter Building and has been very successful. The headings which refer to specifically CE design should be used to describe alternative types of acceptable construction with minimums and maximums listed where they affect the installation of electronic equipment.

The following special questions should also be answered:

  1. The minimum and maximum separation between the buildings and the tower. On difficult sites, could the building be remoted, ie down the hill?

  2. The minimum and maximum separation between the electronic equipment and the power supply (primary and auxiliary). On difficult sites, could the power supply be remoted, ie down the hill?

  3. Where the site is presently occupied by a Forest Fire Lookout Tower, could the Fire Ranger be accommodated on the floor below the radome?

  4. Assuming that the 70 ft tower will be higher than all surrounding trees, how far shall the trees be cleared away from the tower?

  5. Assuming that the tower shall be based on the AB467 design (or as modified to accommodate the rigid radome), will the tower be of open construction or closed in for storage and other purposes?

  6. If the tower is to have a rigid radome, does the radome have to be heated?

One complete set of drawings, specifications and design criteria for the Tower AB467 (or as modified) are requested at your earliest convenience.

(JW Griffith) G/C