10-36-80/5 (A/CCE)
Victoria Island, Ontario
25 June, 1959
Defence Construction (1951) Limited
No 4 Temporary Building
56 Lyon Street,
Ottawa, Ontario
Dear Sirs:
Re: Estimate - WH Crandall & Associates
Gap Filer Sites, Maritimes.
We refer to your letter 122-7-152, dated June 15, 1959, which enclosed an estimate of engineering services for that part of the Gap Filler programme being handled by WH Crandall & Associates.
We have reviewed this preliminary estimate carefully and consider that it is too high for the work that is required for a preliminary engineering report and recommendation. It would appear that the consultant anticipated having to produce complete detailed information which would more correctly form a part of the final working drawings, etc.
If Mr Crandall is under any misunderstanding with regard to the extent of the work we should clarify this point now. If, on the other hand, he is basing his estimate on the worst possible conditions, we do not think this is valid as he can, if necessary indicate a difficult condition at the time he carried out his preliminary investigation.
We would suggest, therefore, that Mr Crandall review this estimate with representatives from both DCL and the RCAF.
Yours truly,
(JW Griffith)
Group Captain
for Chief of the Air Staff.