USAF Gap Fillers - Labrador/Newfoundland

National Archives of Canada

S10-136-80/7 TD 2082 (CCE/Prop)

Ottawa, Ont
27 Mar 62

Real Estate Branch,
Department of Transport
Ottawa, Ontario.

Attn: Mr George T Milne

Dear Sir:

Re: Conveying and Receiving Orders-in-Council
Newfoundland - Labrador Gap Filler Sites

It would be appreciated if copies of Provincial Orders-in-Council whereby lands in the Newfoundland-Labrador area were reserved for Gap Filler Radar Sites at Spotted Island, Fox Harbour, Cape Makkovik, Cut Throat Island, Labrador, La Scie and Elliston Ridge, Newfoundland, as well as any reciprocal Orders-in-Council made by Canada for the purpose of receiving such lands could be provided to this department in order to provide information necessary to make surplus reports of Crown-owned land at the foregoing sites.

Yours truly,

(JF Brennagh)
Wing Commander
for Chief of the Air Staff

F/L WH McConnell/jd