Gap Filler Detail

1961 – National Archives of Canada


August 24th, 1961

File: 26-10-7 (RE)

Dear Sir:

Re: Proposed Gap Filler Sites - Eastern Canada
Your file: S10-136-80/5 Vol 2 (CCE/prop)

Please refer to your letter dated March 29th, 1961, concerning the construction of Gap Filler Stations at Eastern Canada.

We have now obtained formal permission from the Deputy Minister, Department of Lands and Forests, Province of Quebec, to carry out field surveys and soil investigations at the following sites:

Beaver Tower
L'Anse St Jean
Nishkotea Lake

One copy (French) of the letter dated July 26th, 1961, with an English translation is enclosed.

Please note that Mr Guay states in his letter that damages resulting from the estabishment of these stations should be settled with the third parties concerned. Timber felling rights and clearing required for fire breaks around buildings and structures must comply with laws and regulations laid down by the Department of Lands and Forests. Care should be exercised during the construction period to prevent forest fires.

Please let us know at your early convenience whether the above mentioned sites meet your requirements.

Yours truly,

JR Baldwin,
Deputy Minister

The Deputy Minister,
Department of National Defence
Ottawa, Ontario