Gap Filler Detail

1962 – National Archives of Canada

10-36-80/5 (CCE/Insp)


6 Jun 62


Revisions to Drawings & Specifications
Gap Fillers

Attached is a copy of a letter addressed to DCL which was brought to the attention of the undersigned from a field trip.

It is noted that the second last paragraph requests that revisions to plans and specifications be carried out as "On Site Design Changes". As outline in CAP 209 Chapter 21.60 "Site Changes" are those arising from omissions or mistakes in the plans and specifications or from changes required to meet the obvious intent of the design which have been detected at the site.

Exception is also taken to the last paragraph of the attached letter which states that all "On Site Design Changes" be submitted for the approval of the AFHQ Project Officer. If the role of the CCE/Inspector in the field is to be altered then the proper procedure would have been for direction to have been issued to the inspection branch by CCE.

It is requested that action by means of a letter to DCL, correcting the procedure for the gap fillers of issuing addendums as "On Site Design Changes" and advising them that the present authority of CCE/Inspectors on site visits for approval of "On Site Design Changes" has not been altered.

(MC Hyslop) W/C