Gap Filler Detail

1962 – National Archives of Canada

Systems Management Office (Canada)
United States Air Force
Room 276, Temp Bldg No 4, 56 Lyon Street,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

5 Jun 1962

Reply to Attn of: ROZIZI/F/L AGW Miller/es

Subject: Construction Progress Reports - Gap Fillers

Victoria Island
Ottawa, Ontario

Reference your letter, 29 May 62, on the above subject, with particular reference to Nicolet and Lac Ste Marie.

The subject construction progress reports are factual reports based on the construction drawings and specifications and merely indicate progress to date and any deviations from the standards contained in the construction drawings. Evaluation of the reports is made by this office in conjunction with your agency.

The subject of grouting under the bearing plates has been discussed at length with your Mr Alexander and it is considered that this task can best be undertaken by one contractor. It is proposed, therefore, that the GEEIA contractor be responsible for grouting of the bearing plates subsequent to tower erection.

Subject to your concurrence on the proposal in paragraph 3 above, GEEIA Systems Management Office will take contract amendment action. It is assumed that your contracts will be amended to delete the requirement for grouting under bearing plates.

Lt Colonel, USAF
Chief, GEEIA Systems Management Office