Gap Filler Detail

1962 – National Archives of Canada

Min (2)

File: 10-36-80/5 (DCEP)

Date: 11 Dec 62

Referred To: 10-36-80/5 (DEngC) of 27 Nov 62

Access Roads,
Gap Filler Radar Stations

Further to recent telephone conversation between Lt/Col RD Poindexter and Lt/Col RI Choats on the question of the standard of access roads required for the Gap Filler Radar Stations, your attention is requested to the a/n reference in which DEngC points out the high cost of construction being experienced on sites which have long access roads.

In view of the fact that DMSE is planning on purchasing tracked vehicles for thirty (30) sites, DEngC's proposal is basically to reduce the standard of road construction, and leave it up to the general contractor to find the best way to get to the top of the hill for his own equipment at a lump sum bid. Accepting this type of road, it would be necessary to plan on using the tracked vehicles twelve (12) months of the year rather than just during the winter and spring.Only two problems can be foreseen to this approach, namely the movement of radar and communication equipment into the sites and the matter of fuel supply. Considering the fact that both of these materials can be transferred from conventional vehicles to bulldozers and skids, it is felt that this additional cost would be considerably less than the cost of the vehicle road which would be used only occasionally for this purpose.

This Directorate is prepared to further explain this new concept to representatives f DRDP, GMSO, DCom, DMS, AMC or even Bell Telephone if your Directorate considers a meeting is essential. However, in order to be able to proceed with our plans and specifications, it is requested that a decision on this matter be obtained as quickly as possible.

(MC Hyslop) W/C