Gap Filler Detail

1962 – National Archives of Canada

File Reference: 10-36-80/5 TD 2345 (DCEC)

17 Dec 62

Min (3)

DCEPAccess Roads
Gap Filler Radar Stations

I have discussed the proposed type of road as outlined in the correspondence below with CCE who agrees that the principle of allowing the contractor to provide access to meet his own requirements for construction and then assessing the additional construction required to improve the road sufficiently for use by tracked vehicles as a normal access to the site.

The only point which needs to be clarified is that the tracked vehicles will, in fact, be provided. Correspondence which goes to DADSI should advise him of the decision to reduce the cost of the road construction and ask him to coordinate the interests of any other directorates involved. We should not ask DADSI for a decision on something which is primarily a CE matter, ie standards used for construction.

(CL Ingles) G/C