Station - Stoney Creek, Ont
AFHQ Job No: 5974
Approx Lat: 43º 10' 17"
Approx Long: 79º 44' 02"
Approx Elevation: 706' ASL
Maps: Grimsby 30 M/4 E/2 & W/2, 1:50,000
Property: Lot 16, Con 7, Township of Saltfleet, County of Wentworth
Owner: Alfred Sohm
Description: In a small orchard with a road on two sides.
Geodetic Triangulation Station on Site: No
Geodetic Bench Mark on Site: No. Determine approx elevation from recognizable point on map sheet other than site.
Forestry Tower on Site: No
Power Supply: Nearest substation 4 miles at Vinemount. 3 phase power line passes site.
Mr CJ Halliday, PO Box 220, Stoney Creek.
Communications: Nearest exchange Stoney Creek,
Bell Telephone Co,
Mr GK Stinson, Hamilton, Ont
Access to Site: From Fruitland on Highway No 8, proceed east 0.5 miles to next concession road. Turn right and proceed south 3 miles to site at 5th road intersection.
Access Road: Nil
Aerial Photographs: A 4701-24-(25)-26,
1932, 6" 8,000'.
A 17184-48-49-50.
1960, 6" 15,000'. A 17177-26-27-28,
1960, 6" 15,000'
Consulting Engineer: M M Dillon & Company,
141 Maple Street,
London, Ontario
Sketch Attached: Part of 30 M/4 E/2