Gap Filler Detail

1961 – National Archives of Canada

S10-136-80/5 Vol 2 (DCEP)


1 Jun 61

Ref: S10-136-80/5 (CEP-3-3) of 2 May 61
Min 2 (CEM-3) of 2 May 61
Min 3 (CEM-3-5) of 3 May 61


Armco Steelox Components
Gap Filler Radar Stations

Further to a/n correspondence, two photostat copies of a list are attached showing the twenty-two (22) sites which will be issued this year and the estimated dates of processing the final drawings and specifications and the estimated date on which Steelox components will be required by the contractor on the site.

It is requested that necessary action be taken to have the components ready for shipment.

The contractor will be responsible for unloading, demurrage and transportation to the site from the nearest railhead. Would you please advise whether a representative from CMU will be at the project at this time.

(J W Griffith) G/C