Gap Filler Detail

1961 – National Archives of Canada

S13-136-90/5 TD 1236 (DCEP)

Minute (2)

14 Sep 61

Ref: DCL 122-7-157


Preliminary Engineering Services
Mickelson, Fraser & Haywood
Gap Filler Radar Stations, NW Ontario

Our consultant, Mickelson, Fraser & Haywood, has reviewed the briefing instructions and made a reconnaissance trip in connection with the preliminary engineering work required at Graham Relocated and has submitted an estimated cost of $7,337.00 in comparison with that portion of our DND-9 No 7844 of 30 Dec 60 in the amount of $4,000.00. This increase is due to a closer appreciation of the amount of time required to carry out the necessary work and the more difficult and longer distance required to reach the site. This increase of $3,337.00 is recommended.

It is requested that an additional amount of $3,337.00 be authorized.

(JW Griffith)