Gap Filler Detail

1962 – National Archives of Canada

File: 1653-788 (RE)


July 17th, 1962

Dear Sir:

Re: Gap Filler Radar Station,
Timmins, Ontario, - Mr RE Allerston,
Your File: 10-T53 (CCE/Prop)

Enclosed is photostat copy of a letter dated July 5th, 1962, received by our Regional Office from Mr RE Allerston the owner of mining claims in the area affected by the subject Gap Filler.

In view of recent verbal advice given this Department by one of your Officials that there was some doubt as to whether you were continuing with this project our negotiations with Mr Allerston have been held in abeyance. However you will note from the attached correspondence that this party feels that his mining activities will definitely be affected by your installation should it be placed on his property and in order to assist us in replying to this inquiry we would appreciate your early instructions.

Yours truly

JR Baldwin
Deputy Minster

The Deputy Minister
Department of National Defence
Ottawa, Ontario

Ralph E Allerston
Timmins, Ontario

July 5th 1962

Mr AA Speer
Regional Manager
Real Estate Department
Department of Transport
Toronto, Ontario

Re: the Godfrey-Jamieson Property and
your File #GAP23H, NW 1/4 and N/E 1/4
Lot #7, Conc 6, Godfrey Township.
Claims P-49795 and P-51016

Dear Mr Speer:

Relative to the above property and my letter June 1st 1962, the following is a resume of our situation and the econcomic aspects. I advised your Mr SG Fester that I would set out the details in letter form but I have been somewhat delayed as one party associated with me in the project has been away.

The enclosed map shows our property including the 80 acres covered by P49795 and P-51016. Aside from manual surface work already applied to the two claims we have done certain geophysical work of a preliminary nature. As a result of this work and positive indications of sulphide or other mineral deposits we have a proposal from a mining organization to sell the property, retaining an interest. Highly favourable geological conditions exist and insofar as ur present program has gone we have confirmed the presence of copper and zinc. Low gold and some silver values have been found requiring further investigation.

Accessibility is now much more favourable to our property by virtue of the improved road to Kamiscotia to serve the new copper-zinc concentrator. The road, plus recent Hydro transmission gives added importance to the economic value of our property and the claims in which we make reference, since on this property we have the largest accessibleoutcropping of siliceous flux materials for smelter purposes in the area. The topographical elevation of Mount Jamieson provides an economical gravity flow operation for such smelter flux material, that is, to and from crushing unit.

Before proceeding any further with our program or future plans or giving consideration to sale proposal at hand we feel that the matter of these two claims should be settled. We believe the Department's present installation of Radar Unit and future plans would preclude mining operations for practical purposes on part of our property holdings in Godfrey and Jamieson Townships. To expand more money or make any deal with a Mining Corporation subject to restricted activities these two particular parcels P-49795 and P-51016 will downgrade our property. There is in effect a cloud on the property.

After careful consideration we feel that it would be much better to sell P-49795 and P-51016. Naturally, we would reasonably want our costs compensated.

This conclusion is arrived at with a view to your presnet requirements as well as the longer perspective of the future.

We could then proceed with the property exclusive of the aforementioned parcels and without further holdup on our program.

Yours very truly,

Ralph E Allerston