810-136-80/7 TD 2323 (CCE/Prop)
4, Ontario
18 December, 1962
Deputy Minister,
Department of Transport,
Ottawa 4, Ontario.
Dear Sir:
Re: Cancellation of Reservations
Provincial Crown Land
Former Labrador Gap Filler Sites
Your file: 1653-712 (RE)
Further to my letter of even file dated 7 December, 1962, information has now been received from Crown Assets Disposal Corporation that executive authority has been obtained for the sale of all buildings and Crown-owned land at the former Mid Canada Line Gap Filler Sites located at Fox Harbour, Cut Throat Island and Spotted Island, Labrador.
Since the above reservations of Provincial Crown land were to be effective only for such period as they were required for purposed of the Mid-Canada Line, according to the relevant Orders-in-Council made by the Province of Newfoundland, and as there is no further requirement for the lands for these purposes it will now be in order to cancel the reservations.
Yours sincerely,
(EB Armstrong)
Deputy Minister
F/L WH McConnell/mlm
18 Dec 62