Gap Filler Detail

1962 – National Archives of Canada


Aug 8/62

Mr DE Bastedo,
Branch Manager,
Halifax, NS

Gap Filler - Bridgetown, NS

Please refer to your report of August 1/62.

This job is to be terminated as soon as possible and you are requested to negotiate this termination with the Contractor, Rodney Contractors Ltd.

It would appear that the building excavation should be filled in and left in a tidy condition. It may be necessary to complete the gravelling of the road, at least the portion of it used by the town of Bridgetown as access to the water reservoir, but no more work is to done than absolutely necessary. Your negotiations should include the retention by the Contractor and removal from site of any building materials on site, of which there appears to be very little.

We will look forward to the receipt of a Request for Change Order covering the credit for the deletion of the outstanding portions of this job.

LD Briden,
Assistant Chief Engineer,
(Field Projects).