You will have noticed that there are no banner ads or any form of advertising on this web site. This web site has been operational since 1 December 2003. We rely on you, the visitor, to keep this site running - and this can be accomplished in a number of ways.
We have managed to accumulate a number of photographs and some historical detail in an attempt to invoke a degree of nostalgia and general interest. It is impossible for any single individual to provide 100% accuracy of detail and massive numbers of top quality photographs. With this in mind, we ask for your assistance.
(1) - If, during your visit to this web site, you happen to notice some detail that is missing or incorrect, please send an e-mail message our way and we will update the web site accordingly.
(2) - If, in your opinion, the web site meets your expectations in professional quality, then please pass the word along to those that you feel may have an interest. It's sort of like the TV commercial - where you tell two friends, and they tell two friends, and so on and so on.
(3) - Should you happen to have any photographs, slides, or other memorabilia that you feel would be of interest to the web site - please consider loaning this material to us for a short period of time. It's a simple case of packaging what you have available, and mailing your memorabilia to the following address:
Please take NOTE: - If you do decide to loan us your photos, slides or other memorabilia - PLEASE ENSURE that you package these items adequately to ensure a safe undamaged arrival at our end. We, in turn, will ensure that everything is properly packaged for a return trip via the mail system.
(4) - The final area of assistance is somewhat sensitive in nature. Initially, this web site was intended to serve as a "part-time hobby" in an area that provided great personal interest. The "part-time hobby" has, for all intent and purposes, turned into a "full-time obsession". I have no problems with that - as it is my personal decision to maintain the web site.
It has reached a stage, however, where the web site is costing a great deal of money to maintain on an annual basis. Some of the fixed expenses include monthly fees to the Internet provider as well as packaging and postage costs associated with the return of original material to the owner. We receive no financial assistance from outside sources such as corporate funding, and with the exception of contributions reveived from visitors like yourself to the site, I have borne all expenses to date.
There is NO expectation on your part to assist financially. If you care to do so, then please consider helping out a little. Your contribution would be used towards offsetting ongoing costs. I would like nothing better than to see this web site continue for many more years into the future. Wouldn't you? The final decision is yours to make. If you feel you would like to assist financially, then simply mail your contribution (payable to Margaret L'Ecuyer) to the above mentioned address.
I wish to thank everyone that has assisted the web site to date - be it with photographs, historical detail, financial or even moral support. Finally, many thanks for visiting our web site.
1581-H Hillside Avenue,
Suite #106,
Victoria, BC, V8T 2C1,
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Updated: May 15, 2005