Choloy, France

1955 – 2 (F) Wing – Assorted Sources


24 April 1955 - LAC DWT Keymer

Comments from Don Norrie:

LAC Keymer was employed with 430 Squadron at 2 (F) Wing when he was killed in an autombile accident at the "Y" junction where the road went left to Grostenquin (proceeding out of the base) and right - or straight on - to Hemering. As long as the guys that knew Keymer remained in Grostenquin, they referred to that junction as "Keymers Korner"

Extracts from 2 Wing Historical Record

25 April 1955 - LAC Keymer was killed in an Auto accident last night and two others injured. Board of Inquiry and Committee of Adjustment formed this date.

27 April 1955 - Funeral for LAC Keymer at 1015 hours.

[Sign at Keymers Korner]

This sign was located near Keymers Korner

[LAC DWT Keymer Grave Marker]

[LAC DWT Keymer Grave Marker]

Grave marker photos courtesy of Malcolm Cromarty - February 2001