2403 Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron (Auxiliary)
Calgary, Alta.

National Archives of Canada

Narrative Report of
2403 AC&WU Squadron (Aux)
1 December 1954 to 31 May 1955.

The Sqn has made good progress during the past six months from a training view-point. The training program for the current year has been very well organized and efficiently executed by Support Officer F/L JH Hilton and his Ftr COp instructors, Cpl DE Card and LAC LA Stainger. Cpls Lowe, Squarok, Odell and Smith and LAWs Hodgson, McCullough and Broznitsky have very well assisted the support personnel in their instructional duties. We have been fortunate in having the services of two outstanding instructors in the persons of Mr Hall and Mr Allen for training our technical personnel.

Recruiting continues to be our number one problem. It is hoped that with the Recruiting Office now set up at Wing HQ on the Stn the processing of our prospective recruits will be handled more quickly and more efficiently. Mill Long is in a position to work more closely with recruiting lines with her recent transfer to Wing where she has been associated with F/L George Granger and F/O McMillan.

6 Jan 55

Since the formation of Wing Headquarters, Stn Calgary and 2403 AC&W Sqn have had several missions from Group and 5 ADCC, as well as visiting officers from other AC&W Sqns. The first parade for 2403 Sqn in 1955 was held 6 Jan at which time S/L AO Dumas, CO of 2453 AC&W Sqn, Three Rivers, accompanied by Mrs Dumas visited the CO and Officers of 2403 AC&W Sqn. It was unanimously felt that S/L Dumas' visit brought about a general exchange of many valuable ideas.

16 Jan 55

G/C EA McNabb and party including W/C RJ Lawlor and S/L RT Paul from 12 Gp visited Stn Calgary for the purpose of inspecting the newly formed 30 Wing HQ on 27 Feb 55. 2403 AC&W Sqn was visited by S/L TJ Evans CD and F/L KS Baleman from ADC for the purpose of discussing technical problems, with technical officers F/L Handord and F/O Miller.

3 Feb 55

2403 AC&W Sqn was not without it's social activities which have done much toward keeping the Sqn morale at an almost enviable high. On 3 Feb the social activities committee organized a skating party which was concluded by a coffee and sandwich lunch in the Sqn Coffee Room.

6 Feb 55

Along training lines and largely through the efforts of F/L JH Hilton, the operations of 2403 AC&W Sqn during the past six months have been further promoted by four weekend exercises. Two support and 13 Aux personnel took off via S/A at 1055 hrs for 5 ADCC to familiarize themselves with heavier radar equipment and returned 1730 hrs 27 Feb 55.

3 Mar 55

Miss Kay Dunn, Editorial Assistant for "Producing News" the Imperial Oil Ltd Magazine visited 2403 AC&W Sqn for the purpose of activating employee interest for Imperial by taking pictures and writing editorials on Imperial employees in the Reserve Army, Navy and Air Force.

20 Mar 55

F/L Brian T MacFee, Wing TelO from 17 Wing HQ, Winnipeg visited 2403 AC&W Sqn for the purpose of exchanging Technical ideas with S/L Sargenia. S/L Wallis TechTel officer from 12 Gp visited our technical officers on 3 Apr to discuss telecom setup in our Sqn.

8 Apr 55

A second party of 2403 personnel visited 5 ADCC returning at 1200 hrs 10 Apr 55.

15 Apr 55

On Apr 15, six officers, one Sr NCO, five airwomen and five airmen from 2403 AC&W Sqn proceeded via Greyhound bus to Great Falls, Mont, to take part in a combined USAF RCAF exercise known as Operation Inksport. At Shelby our Sqn was split into three groups, one party was flown to a remote radar site near Havre, and one party was driven by staff car to Cutbank where we were assigned our duties in the operations room to familiarize ourselves with USAF procedure. The third party went direct to Great Falls where they were assigned to their duties as observers in the 903rd AC&W Sqn operations room and the ADCC of the 29th Air Div HQ. It is the personal opinion of the writer that the operation of a whole was very successful from a point of view of the combined training exercise. After the operation all parties were transported back to Great Falls for "Canadian Night" social activities and for debriefing on the morning of 17 Apr. The Sqn arrived back in Calgary at 0030 hrs 18 Apr.

5 May 55

W/C Dr McCallum and S/L ABC Johnson CD from 12 Gp visited the CO and officers to discuss administrative problems.

8 May 55

To celebrate the most favourable results of the March Trade Test, a well planned party was organized and enjoyed in the Airmen's Canteen. G/C Mostyn-Brown complimented our personnel for their excellent showing, and compared the very high average marks with the normal percentage of passes expected from Auxiliary personnel.

21 May 55

One support and two Aux officers, one support and four Aux airmen and two Aux airwomen proceeded to 51 AC&W Sqn Comox for the purpose of acquainting themselves with more up to date radar equipment and to get a better insight into the organization and operation of a regular AC&W Sqn. The party returned via S/A 23 May.

To retain the high standard of proficiency and as a further incentive to the airmen and airwomen of 2403 AC&W Sqn the CO has continued the policy of presenting a proficiency award to the best airman or airwoman based on the following qualifications: dress, deportment, Unit interest, trade application, attendance, co-operation, etc.

During the past six months, the following personnel were recipients of the Proficiency Award: LAW McCullough, LAW Hodgson, A/Cpl Nagata, AW1 Broznitsky, LAC Reid and LAC Dickson.

There has ben a concentrated effort on the part of Sgt Thompson, Acting SWO, to promote better and more efficient parades and drill. Sgt Kincaid (RCAF Stn Calgary) has been most co-operative and helpful in bringing our personnel to a much improved Sqn both on and off the drill square. Sgt Thompson has been largely responsible for the efficient and well organized system by which the OR now operates.

The over-all picture of 2403 Sqn operations, activities and progress during the past six months is most encouraging. The knowledge and ability of our instructors and the attitude and aptitude of our personnel was borne out by the latest trade board in which the Sqn average was 71 plus, and there was not a single failure in any of the trades.

The whole-hearted co-operation and general enthusiasm of the officers and other ranks of 2403 Sqn is fitting tribute to the unselfish, yet efficient manner in which S/L Sargenia has commanded his Sqn.

The strength of the unit at 31 May 1955 was as follows:


(GE Sargenia) S/L,
CO 2403 AC&WU (Aux) RCAF,
Calgary, Alta.