Pinetree Line Miscellaneous Items

1961 – Establishments at Group II Radars – National Archives of Canada

S895-100-80/5 TD.1335 (COrgM)


Dec 14 1961


Establishments – Group III Radars

  1. Regarding your concern about the validity of our planning establishments for the eleven Group III Radars, the attached Appendices "A"; and "B"; show a comparison of our Pinetree and Group III establishments. It will be noted that the latter are consistently lower, both in manual and SAGE configuration.
  2. This however should not be taken as an indication that our Pinetree establishments are out of line. The differences area due to the conditions under which we took over the Group III Radars and the variations in equipment and local conditions from site to site.
  3. The initial take-over establishments for the eleven Group III radars were written under the assumption that personnel would be unaccompanied and that no facilities other than those already in existence would be provided. As a result, the establishment for support services was below scale in some areas and was considerably less than it would be for a comparable RCAF Pinetree Site.
  4. It was understood that these sites would eventually be brought up to full RCAF standard by the construction of married quarters, schools, and recreational facilities. The planning establishments which were produced for the final configuration of these units took these factors into consideration. The resulting increase in support services is that authorized by RCAF scale. If fewer facilities are provided than for a standard RCAF Pinetree Site, a re-application of the scales will result in a smaller supporting establishment than is presently planned.
  5. Attached as Appendix "C" (this Appendix is not available); is a comparison of the initial take-over and planned final support establishments for a typical Group III site (Beausejour), with a short narrative explaining the differences as they occur. The Operations and Telecom establishments are not discussed in this paper, as they are predicated on the operational role and equipment of the unit rather than on support facilities required.
  6. The SAGE planning establishments for both the Pinetree sites and the Group III sites are subject to change either up or down by programme changes, the application of new scales, equipment variation from that presently planned for, changes in the location of married quarters at the Group III sites and other factors which may become apparent as we gain more experience of local conditions.

Signed by:
(RJ Gray) A/C