Edgar, ON

1958 – Narrative Report – National Archives of Canada

3 ADCC Edgar, Ontario
Period 1 Jun 58 to 30 Nov 58, Inclusive

1 Jun 58

Sector personnel reorganized to provide for an administrative staff comprising a Deputy Commander, Exercise Control Officer, and Chief Standards Officer with two subordinates. Pending firm establishment approval, the minimum additional personnel required will be provided by temporary attachment of personnel from AC&W Squadrons of this Sector as Sector Controllers.

3 Jun 58

"Cue Ball 9" exercise conducted.

9 and 10 Jun 58

"Cue Ball 10" exercise conducted.

12 Jun 58

"Fricasie" ECM exercise conducted. Anti-ECM tactics and excellent controlling resulted in a successful intercept average of 86%.

16 and 17 Jun 58

"Cue Ball 11" exercise conducted.

17 Jun 58

"Big Jim" exercise conducted.

18 and 19 Jun 58

Two "Recovery" exercises were conducted for training in the rapid recovery of fighters under marginal weather.

25 Jun 58

W/C SD Turner, CO, Lac St. Denis, visited 3 ADCC for three days for liaison purposes.

30 Jun 58

During Jun 58 eleven "Chess Match" exercises were conducted by 3 Sector forces with a total of 216 attempted intercepts. In addition for ECM exercises were run with 100 intercepts being attempted.

9 Jul 57

"Cross Talk IV", a sector wide Broadcast Control exercise utilizing CBC facilities was held. Results were poor due to communications failure and lack of MCL warning. The lessons learned were of value to subsequent exercises of this nature.

10 Jul 58

A pre "WEX VAL" exercise was conducted. These exercises were primarily penetrations into the 37th Air Division, with a relatively large number of fakers entering Pinetree radar coverage through 3 Sector. USAF fighters were controlled where possible by 3 Sector GCI’s. Great value is attached to these exercises due to the surveillance training involved under extensive electronic and mechanical jamming.

14 to 16 Jul 58

ECM flights were flown by C119 and CF100 aircraft of 102 "K" Flight on the days noted.

22 July 58

A special "Chess Match" type exercise was conducted consisting of eight Faker aircraft from North Bay penetrating in pairs over a period of four hours. 43 intercepts were attempted. This type of exercise under decentralized control afforded an excellent opportunity for AC&W Squadrons to exercise their scramble prerogative.

29 to 31 Jul 58

Exercise "Cage Bird", an operational evaluation to test the MCL and Pinetree radars and the GOBC in detecting and tracking low level penetrations, was carried out. Aircraft from Maritime and Training Command flew penetration routes through 3 Sector. Results were considered unsatisfactory.

31 Jul 58

Routine training during Jul 58 resulted in 2,060 practice intercepts. The overall total for exercises of all types in July resulted in 2,542 intercepts on a total of 402 missions. Training activity was reduced from 15 Jul to 2 Aug when fighter bases were placed on an increased readiness state due to the international situation.

4 Aug 58

Dr. Joseph Patton arrived at Sector HQ as permanent representative of the Systems Development Corporation Systems Training Plan (STP). Pre "WEX VAL" training mission conducted.

6 Aug 58

A SAC overfly mission was conducted with 17 intercepts attempted by CF100 aircraft. Pre "WEX VAL" training mission was conducted.

8 Aug 58

Pre "WEX VAL" training mission was conducted. A special "Chess Match" exercise was conducted to determine the maximum fighter operational capability of North Bay and Ottawa bases over a short period of time. 52 aircraft were scrambled with very satisfactory results.

12 Aug 58

Pre "WEX VAL" training mission conducted.

13 Aug 58

A SAC overfly mission was conducted with 16 intercepts attempted by CF100 aircraft. Major WL Hanford, 622 AC&W Youngstown, and four staff officers visited 3 ADCC for a two day liaison visit.

13 to 20 Aug 58

SAC B52’s conducted ECM runs against Edgar and Foymount. 55 sorties were flown by CF100’s with very good results.

14 Aug 58

S/L R Dobson DFC was taken on strength 3 ADCC as a Sector Duty Controller pending establishment of position of Senior GOBC officer. A pre "WEX VAL" mission was conducted. This concluded the training series.

20 Aug 58

The first of the actual "WEX VAL" series was flown with 23 tracks, generating ECM and dispensing chaff, carried through 3 Sector.

27 Aug 58

A second "WEX VAL" mission was conducted. 47 tracks were carried northbound.

28 Aug 58

A special "Chess Match" exercise was run with 52 aircraft scrambled.

31 Aug 58

A total of 493 missions were controlled by units of 3 Sector in Aug 58 resulting in 2,832 intercepts. 2,452 intercepts were on routine training.

4 Sep 58

The thirst "WEX VAL" series was conducted. No tracks were carried by 3 Sector.

10 Sep 58

The fourth "WEX VAL" exercise was flown with fourteen tracks penetrating 3 Sector.

18 Sep 58

The fifth "WEX VAL" exercise was conducted comprising 42 tracks employing very heavy ECM and mechanical jamming.

20 Sep 58

A NORAD wide, no notice exercise "Top Hand" was carried out. 3 Sector established four tracks during the course of the exercise.

21 Sep 58

Mr. HR Merritt, Department of Transport representative, reported to 3 Sector as permanent DOT liaison officer and advisor to the Sector Commander.

29 Sep 58

A/V/M WR MacBrien, OBE, CD, Air Officer Commanding, Air Defence Command, visited this ADCC and Station Edgar on a tour of inspection.

30 Sep 58

Representative officers and NCO’s from 3 Sector completed a two week indoctrination course at the Systems Development Corporation, Santa Monica, in preparation for the initiation of STP. A total of 335 missions were controlled by units of 3 Sector in 58 resulting in 2,066 intercepts. Routine training accounted for 1,842 intercepts. 15 "Chess Match" and 11 "Counter Punch" missions were flown. Both are beneficial with the former conducted from Ottawa and the latter from North Bay. In addition eight "Profile" missions were run utilizing USAF fighters controlled by AC&W units of 3 Sector.

1 Oct 58

The sixth "WEX VAL" mission was conducted. "Cue Ball 12" was run with four USAF and 22 CF100’s scrambled against five tracks.

6 Oct 58

STP exercises commenced after shake down trials were conducted at each site during the previous week. Future exercises were scheduled for each Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

7 Oct 58

The seventh "WEX VAL" exercise was conducted.

8 Oct 58

A NORAD wide STP exercise "Desk Top" was conducted. This exercise consisted of a multi invader threat against North America and was divided into two phases. During the first phase 3 Sector was involved only to the extent of receiving intelligence information on strikes against the US west and east coasts. During the second phase, 3 Sector was completely saturated and suffered severe simulated loss of communications. This exercise impressed upon all personnel the serious consequences which result when communications are lost during an air battle.

9 Oct 58

"Cue Ball 13" was conducted with eight USAF and 12 CF100’s scrambled against five tracks.

14 Oct 58

The final "WEX VAL" exercise was conducted. A total of 59 tracks were carried in the last three exercises.

15 Oct 58

Cue Ball 14" was flown with nine USAF and 28 CF100’s scrambled.

22 to 24 Oct 58

Operation "Big Jump" was conducted consisting of a special SAC overfly by B47’s and B52’s. 62 tracks were established and 62 fighters scrambled against them.

27 Oct 58

3 ADCC working establishment increased this date by one W/C and two F/L’s. The W/C position has been annotated as Deputy Sector Commander.

28 Oct 58

W/C EC Snider DFC CD was taken on strength of this unit against the position of Deputy Sector Commander.

29 Oct 58

A "Big Blast" ECM exercise was flown. These exercises were the result of a NORAD SAC agreement whereby 3 Sector would be exercised by a minimum of five B47 aircraft each month from 380th Bomb Wing, Plattsburgh.

30 and 31 Oct 58

A STP Feedback and Design conference was held at 3 Sector to discuss past and future problems. Representatives were on hand from Systems Development Corporation, Santa Monica, 30th and 37th Air Divisions and each 3 Sector site.

31 Oct 58

A total of 349 missions were controlled by 3 Sector units in Oct 58 resulting in 2,124 intercepts. Routine training accounted for 1,696 intercepts. 15 "Chess Match" and "Counter Punch" exercises were flown. In addition there were eight "Profile" missions utilizing USAF fighters and 3 Sector GCI units.

4 Nov 58

Exercise "Main Frame" was carried out as an evaluation of the offensive and defensive ECM equipment carried in the B52. One B52 was involved in each projected exercise.

5 Nov 58

Exercise "Big Jim" was conducted utilizing USAF interceptor aircraft. 37 intercepts were carried out by USAF fighters under 3 Sector AC&W Squadrons.

14 Nov 58

A COC team visited 3 Sector to conduct a dry run of the newly installed alternate Command Post (ALCOP) communications.

17 Nov 58

The ALCOP Battle Staff, under command of A/C Bradshaw (Acting Air Commander, Vice A/C Reyno) arrived to examine the ALCOP facilities and to carry out a preliminary Shake Down exercise.

18 Nov 58

Exercise "Main Frame" was conducted.

19 Nov 58

Exercise "Big Blast" was run with 14 CF100’s and 22 USAF fighters participating. A Broadcast Control exercise "Cross Talk V" was carried out. 30 fighters were scrambled with moderately successful results.

25 Nov 58

Exercise "Main Frame" was conducted.

30 Nov 58

A total of 355 missions resulting in 2,433 intercepts were carried out by 3 Sector units in Nov 58. Routine training accounted for 1,900 practice intercepts. 21 "Chess Match" and "Counter Punch" exercises were flown. In addition, there were four "Profile" type exercises employing USAF fighters and 3 Sector GCI’s. W/C Snider assumes the duties of Deputy Sector Commander vice S/L JH Cochrane.

NOTE: The reports on all exercises participated in by 3 Sector units have been previously forwarded to ADCHQ.

Signed by:

(RL Denison) G/C,
Sector Commander
3 Air Defence Control Centre