Falconbridge, ON

1951 – AC&W Station –National Archives of Canada


S.19-78-2 (DSR/CO-ORD)

Date of Visit - 24 May 51

General Review

  1. Construction at this site began late in 1950, and entailed considerable preliminary work. A very adequate camp was built for construction crews, a water pipe line some two to three miles was laid, and an access road had to be improved.
  2. The station area is cleared. At present the area for married quarters is being levelled preparatory to excavating. The site for the Operations Building consists of solid rock and is presently being blasted and prepared for the laying of foundations. The road to the Operations Building is gravel.
  3. The surface of the ground is being prepared prior to laying foundations of the Operations Buildings. It is estimated that these foundations will be completed by 1 Aug 51.
  4. The foundations of the combined mess and combined Quarters are nearing completion and the steel for these buildings, which is on hand, is being erected.
  5. The three "Armco" huts are 75% completed and are suitable for storage at present.
  6. Rough grading, prior to excavation, has only been completed for married quarters.
  7. The school has not been started. Excavation for the central heating plant began 18 May. The sewage plant and pump house have not been started.
  8. A source of water for the station has been located two miles from camp and it is anticipated that the source will be satisfactory. As the source lies on flat terrain, it is probable that a suitable elevated access road will have to be built to this.
  9. Transmitter and Receiver Buildings have not been sited.


  1. Progress has been slow due in part to different terrain. There are no outstanding problems.


  1. Recommend that the delivery of steel to this station be forthcoming when required.