Frobisher Bay, NWT
1990 - Additional Details - Ren L'Ecuyer
Construction began in 1951. The station was supposed to be a self-contained, self-supporting unit that would operate on a continuous basis. One of the first installations to be built was Frobisher Bay. This AC&W was a part of the Pinetree Line which was a back-up for the Arctic DEW Line Project - which was built after the war years as an early warning system of attack on North America. Sites for the AC&W station had to be on the highest altitude possible. This was to eliminate any type of surface interference with the delicate and sophisticated radar equipment. The station had a fair size acreage and all permanent buildings had to be constructed. Being in the far north required the capabilities to operate in more than extreme cold conditions. Because of its elevation, the station was subject to severe winds, excessive snow accumulations and extremely low temperatures. It was necessary to include structures such as dormitories, shops, warehouses, dining halls, recreational buildings, as well as the operations centre. It was necessary to have inter-connections between all of the buildings.
--Ren L'Ecuyer