Narrative Report
RCAF Station Armstrong
1 January 1965 to 31 December 1965
1 Jan 65
Annual Officers Mess Levee is held.
4 Jan 65
F/L HL Turner joins Controller staff on Temporary Duty from Station Foymount.
5 Jan 65
F/O Webb departs Armstrong on compassionate transfer to Station Foymount.
6 Jan 65
Mr. Les Page, Bell Telephone Supervisor, visits Station Armstrong. Cpl. J Corless, Clerk Eng. Arrived from Station Cold Lake to take over duties as NCO i/c CE Orderly Room .
9 Jan 65
F/L GW Niles joins Controller staff on transfer from Station Kamloops.
13 Jan 65
WO2 SW Dunn, AMCHQ makes FST-2 inspection. Exercise Sauk Dance "A". This was 30th Region live exercise. Battle Staff Support was exercised. 38th Radar Squadron remained in a Mode I configuration throughout. Nil intercept activity.
14 Jan 65
NORAD Exercise Sauk Dance Alpha is held.
18 Jan 65
Captain J Nattress reports on two weeks TD from Station Winnipeg to open Dental Clinic.
19 Jan 65
Mr. Laird, Civil Servants Association representative, visits Station Armstrong. Mr. Green, Fort William National Employment office, visits Station Armstrong.
21 Jan 65
Rink skipped by F/L Chisholm defeats Cpl. MacKinnon to capture Station Armstrong elimination Bonspiel.
22 Jan 65
S/L Gordon, Legal Officer, ADCHQ visits Station Armstrong.
25 Jan 65
Cpl. Lang, Station Camp Borden, commences one week Arts & Crafts Clinic at Station Armstrong.
27 Jan 65
NORAD Exercise Mute XII commences. S/L Lebedovich joins Operations staff and assumed duties CGEO. F/L Chisholm assumed duties SCOO. F/L Young, ADCHQ visits unit to evaluate unit participation in Mute XII Exercise. 15 CF-100’s of the Electronic Warfare Unit passed through 38 Squadron’s area. ECM activity was limited because Winnipeg ATC refuses clearance for the aircraft to conduct ECM activities in this area. ECM was seriously affecting DOT facilities at Lakehead and Kenora.
28 Jan 65
Exercise Mute XII – A major tri-region live exercise during which the 30th NORAD Region received an Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI). Battle Staff Support was exercised at this unit. The exercise consisted of two waves spanning a 36 hour period. The first wave consisted of ADC and SAC target and was conducted mainly in Mode I. During the later part of the first wave Mode IIA was initiated, but 38 Squadron control capability was hampered by switching difficulties at GATR site. The second wave consisted of ADC targets and was conducted mainly in Mode III. 38 Squadron controlled 3 interceptors and carried out 5 successful intercepts with these aircraft. Major General Terrell, Commander of 30 NR has notified the Commanding Officer that the ORI was considered highly satisfactory and 38 Squadron was commended for its part in the exercise.
Training – FtrCop personnel received 7 ½ hours of lectures on Height Finders in preparation for individual unit check outs presently being carried out. Three site centered Systems Training Program missions were run to train FtrCop personnel in all phases of their duties. Mode III surveillance training was carried out on 5 occasions. Interceptor aircraft were controlled on 15 practice intercept missions resulting in a total of 103 intercepts.
30 Jan 65
LAC Hamilton captures Weight-Lifting honors at Transcona, Manitoba. The CE Section continues to work under a reduced budget, carrying out normal Maintenance and Operations but starting no major new projects.
31 Jan 65
Mr. Wilder and Mr. Fortier, Bell Telephone, arrive to commence installation of automatic telephone dialing system. The main activity took place in the Telephone area where plans were made for the installation of the new dial system. A list of suggested phones and extensions were made to conform with the actual number allotted by CFHQ and ADCHQ. These numbers were submitted and an actual visit to sections to ascertain the exact location and requirements were made to verify the submission. On 21 Jan 65 Messrs. Wilder, Davies and Fortier visited the unit with the actual approved allocations of numbers, and a chart to indicate actual type of instrument to be installed at each location.
This allocation was carefully checked against requirements, the Bell telephone people were taken to each phone location to assess the amount of work involved and the cable lengths required. Some changes were required and these have been requested through the proper authorities. Efforts were made to locate a storage area for the equipment which will be brought in and to set up areas for truck parking. There is no accommodation available for the people on this unit, but meals will be served on a shift basis. The problem of returning the Techs to Armstrong village after work was also discussed.
2 Feb 65
Sgt. Thompson reported in to assume duties of NCO i/c Central Warehouse.
8 Feb 65
F/L Tate reported in on transfer for Controller duties. Semi-Annual Permanent Commission Board is held. Mr. Arthur, Northern Electric, arrives for UPX-14 inspection. Winter Carnival Snow Sculpturing commences.
9 Feb 65
F/L M Bingham, ASWelO TC, visits unit. Mr. Les Page, Bell Telephone Supervisor, visits unit.
10 Feb 65
NORAD Exercise Sauk Dance I commences.
11 Feb 65
Exercise "Sauk Dance I". A 30th NR live exercise previously scheduled for 11 – 12 Feb was cancelled due to inclement weather throughout the region.
15 Feb 65
Mr. Johnstone and Mr. Froelick, Northern Electric, arrive for six week period of PBX installation. EDP evaluation is held by ADCHQ visiting team. Raising of National Flag (Maple Leaf) and lowering of Red Ensign flag ceremony is held.
16 Feb 65
F/O Carter reported in to assume duties of STelO. NORAD STM Exercise Desk Top VII is held. This is a tri-region SSTM exercise which included exercising BSSC. The mission was conducted in Mode I during the earlier phase of Operations, with Mode III being initiated for the major portion of the exercise. During the month of February, 2 hours of live ECM training was provided by "Boneyard" aircraft.
Training – FtrCop personnel received 6 hours training composed of practical check outs on HRI and on Surveillance procedures. In addition, 44.5 hours of live Mode III training and 12 hours of site centered STP mission were carried out. Interceptor aircraft were controlled on 43 practice intercept missions for a total of 121 practice attempts resulting in 107 MA’s.
22 Feb 65
A group of three DM auditors commenced an inspection of unit records.
24 Feb 65
Airmen’s Club wins unit Euchre Tournament. F/L CC Johnson, F/L M Constantine, and F/L L Glussich make two appearances on CKRP-TV Port Arthur to discuss RCAF life at Armstrong and promote the Armstrong Winter Carnival.
27 Feb 65
Stage Arama Variety Show is presented in the Station Theatre. First annual Armstrong Winter Carnival is officially opened.
This month saw the major part of the work being done in the area of equipment modifications and the new automatic dial system.
The FPS-27 had modifications done to ancillary equipment by the Northern Electric Company represented by Mr. Arthur. Three days were spent in performing a contractor modification.
The telephone dial system progressed very rapidly. The Bell Telephone installing team did most of the cabling and set ups for the new telephones in the new areas chosen by the station. They left 16 Feb and will return later to begin connecting up the various circuits.
Northern Electric installation crew of three men arrived to being the installation of the frames and dial system plus the new switchboard. The equipment was late in arriving and consequently a lot of extra work was necessary to bring the plant work in line with the set schedule.
All sections were visited for the second time and the installations of the Bell installers checked as to need. A list was also compiled with a view to establishing what numbers would be limited as to dialling ability.
At the GATR site, work was started on a series of modifications to the Comm transmitters. Each modification runs about 8.5 man hours and there are 22 transmitters to be done. At the present rate this will be completed about the 21st of March.
Transfers started to arrive for personnel. In general these are to units which require the trade specialty of the Techs required. On the average each man is getting either his first or second choice as to the unit he would like to proceed to.
During the month of February the job of organizing the Receipt and Issue, and Repair and Disposal sections was completed by Corporal Clavette. Overtime worked by the airmen of the section totalled 110 hours.
1 – 6 Mar 65
Armstrong Winter Carnival continues all week.
2 Mar 65
NORAD Exercise Sauk Dance 2 commences EDP Region Exercise is held (cancelled).
5 Mar 65
ADCHQ CE Inspection team arrives for three day visit to inspect unit CE facilities.
6 Mar 65
Winter Carnival Wind-Up is held in Canadian Legion Hall – an overwhelming success.
9 Mar 65
LAC RP Hamilton is named Outstanding Weight Lifter in RCAF for 1965.
16 Mar 65
Mr. RD Day and Dr. Nash, Northern Electric, arrive on unit.
Exercise "Cree Jewel 1". This was a tri-Region SSTM conducted entirely in Mode III. There was full Battle Staff participation and EDP was exercised. Simulation of interceptor aircraft was accomplished by 15-J-1D.
An advance run of film 452, used in "Cree Jewel 1", was carried out on 15 Mar with Finland and Sioux Lookout, with full Operations Room manning at this site.
A total of 4 hours live ECM training was provided by "Boneyard" aircraft during the month of March.
There were no live exercises during the month of March. A live exercise, "Sauk Dance III", was previously scheduled for approximately 30-31 March. However, this mission was delayed until 1-2 April so as to coincide with live exercise "Big Blast".
Training – SSTM’s were conducted with NCC and NSS for a total of 10 hours. There were 59 hours of Mode III training, this does not include 6 hours of Mode III training during the running of "Cree Jewel 1". F-89 interceptors were controlled on 27 practice intercept missions for 88 practice attempts, resulting in 74 MA’s. F-106 interceptors were controlled in 11 practice intercept missions for 21 practice attempts, resulting in 15 MA’s. Total practice attempts for March – 109, total MA’s – 89.
17 Mar 65
F/L Crosson and FS Moyer, ADCHQ Supply Inspection team visits Station Armstrong.
19 Mar 65
Six AS/FtrC and Telecomm Officers proceed to Duluth for cross-training.
22 Mar 65
Cpl. Fonger receives Suggestion Award Certificate. ME Section is awarded 1965 Safe Driving Scroll.
23 Mar 65
F/L Johnson proceeds to Toronto on two days TD to attend Information Officers Conference.
26 Mar 65
Airmen’s Mess Dinner is held.
27 Mar 65
Station Armstrong Otter involved in crash incident on Lake near Armstrong.
29 Mar 65
F/L Hawke and two senior officers from Duluth NORAD Sector provide operations briefing to Station Armstrong personnel.
30 Mar 65
F/L Bingham, ASWelO TCHQ, visits Station Armstrong.
31 Mar 65
Construction of the new office layout began this month.
1 Apr 65
NORAD Exercise Big Blast Quebec is held in conjunction with Sauk Dance 3. This was a 30th NR live exercise conducted as a Tactical Evaluation of NUNS. Mode IIA with CHNS and Mode III were exercised during the mission. BS and BSSC were in position for this mission and EDP was exercised. Infiltration and attempted sabotage were employed against this site. Infiltrators efforts resulted in loss of water supply. A medium traffic load was experienced by this unit. ECM was also employed.
7 Apr 65
Exercise "Neskapi Knife". This multi-sector SSTM involved ONS, DENS and DUNS. Th earlier part of this exercise was conducted in Mode I with Mode III being implemented towards the latter part and ending with a recovery to Mode I. BS, NSSC and EDP were exercised.
8 Apr 65
"Saga Leader" was a live exercise, the major portion of which was conducted in Mode I, expanded security was in effect. C-15 controlled 5 intercepts during the Mode III portion of this exercise.
13 Apr 65
Mr. Les Page, Bell Telephone, visits the unit. April Trade Exam Board is held.
15 Apr 65
Exercise "Apache Hunt I". This was a tri-region SSTM during which BS, BSSC and EDP was exercised. Mode III was implemented during the last hour of the mission. After Mode III was implemented, simulation of take-over, control and hand-over of interceptors was exercised by Finland.
19 Apr 65
Mrs. Shirley Martin and Mr. Bob Wilder, Bell Telephone arrive to complete cut-over to automatic dialing system.
21 Apr 65
Telephone dialing system commences at Station Armstrong. F/O CA Sanderson, Pers./Admin. Reports in to assume duties as CAdO.
24 Apr 65
Omar Blondall presented a folk-singing concert in the Station Theatre for RCAF personnel and townspeople.
28 April 65
A total of 4 hours of ECM training was provided by "Boneyard" aircraft.
Training – STM’s were conducted with NCC and NSS for a total of 18 hours, exclusive of "Neskapi Knife" and "Apache Hunt I". There were 50 hours of Mode III training, (this does not include Mode III during intercepts). Intercepts for April were as follows:
Sorties |
Attempts |
MA’s |
MI’s |
F-89 |
41 |
100 |
90 |
10 |
F-106 |
19 |
22 |
16 |
6 |
Totals |
60 |
122 |
106 |
16 |
3 May 65
Major Wilson, S/L Fox and a team of eight ADCHQ and Duluth Sector staff personnel make a five day visit to Station Armstrong to provide RSA evaluation of unit operations capabilities.
6 May 65
"Cree Opal 1". This was a live exercise involving 26 NR, 30 NR and NNR. The major portion of the exercise was conducted in Mode I, and two hours of Mode III during which 6 interceptors were controlled by this unit. A moderate traffic load was experienced. BS and BSSC exercised and Station EDP was activated against a local penetration team.
17 May 65
Calibration Van team arrived comprising Mr. Swain and five personnel of Sr. NCO status arrive at the unit to evaluate Unit radar equipment. "Desk Top VII" was a NORAD SSTM conducted entirely in Mode I with no BUIC participation by this unit. BS, BSSC and EDP were exercised.
21 May 65
"Top Rung VIII" was a live SAC/NORAD exercise conducted in Mode I. BS, BSSC and Station EDP were exercised. Duration of this mission was 9 hours during which BUIC was manned.
1 hour of live ECM training was provided by "Boneyard" aircraft.
Training – The EWU team visited this unit on 13 May and ECM lectures were given for the entire day with maximum attendance by Operations personnel. Crews received a total of 23 hours of STP training and 46 hours of Mode III. Live exercises accounted for a total of 22 hours and 53 minutes.
Intercepts for May were as follows:
Sorties |
Attempts |
MA’s |
MI’s |
F-89 |
47 |
98 |
88 |
10 |
F-106 |
3 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
Totals |
50 |
102 |
91 |
11 |
24 Jun 65
"Big Blast Tango" a NORAD wide exercise was conducted in the Mode I configuration only. No Battle Staff or Support Staff participated. The duration of the exercise was 2 hours and 15 minutes.
29 Jun 65
"Winnebago Echo V". This was a special training mission for the Duluth NORAD Sector. Battle Staff and Support Staff did not participate. The exercise lasted 2 hours and 30 minutes of which 35 minutes was Mode III. Two intercepts were handled by the unit.
10 Jul 65
TAC Eval for Chicago Sector. This exercise lasted 5 hours and 12 minutes. ECM and staff were used extensively to exercise anti-jamming features. All targets emitted ECM. No aircraft were controlled by this unit.
13 Jul 65
"Winnebago Echo VII". This exercise lasted for 3 hours. No Battle Staff or Support Staff were used. 1 aircraft was controlled.
14 – 15 Jul 65
"Sauk Brave I" was a live exercise directed by 30th NORAD. Battle Staffs and Support Staff were used. The Squadron Defence Plan was exercised. The duration of the exercise was 13 hours and 12 minutes. 9 aircraft were controlled by this unit.
26 Jul 65
Synthetic exercise. Film problem 607 was played. Duration 1 hour and 30 minutes.
28 Jul 65
"Sauk Indian II". This was a region SSTM directed by the 30th NORAD. Battle Staffs and Battle Staff Support were used and the Squadron Defence Plan was exercised. The exercise lasted for 5 hours and 40 minutes.
10 Aug 65
"Winnebago Echo IX" Duluth NORAD exercise. The exercise duration was 2 hours and 15 minutes of which 1 hour was spent in Mode III configuration. 3 aircraft were controlled.
24 Aug 65
G/C McNair from Duluth visited the unit and inspected the operational site.
7 Sep 65
"Winnebago Echo XIII". This was another in a series of exercises (live) directed by the Duluth NORAD Sector. The exercise lasted for 2 hours of which 1 hour and 15 minutes was spent in a Mode III configuration. 6 aircraft were controlled.
8 Sep 65
"Sauk Brave II". A live 30th NORAD exercise. The liability duration of this exercise was 13 hours and 13 minutes. This was the TAC Eval of the Duluth NORAD Sector Mode III configuration. The unit Battle Staff and Battle Support Staff participated fully. The Squadron Defence Plan was also exercised. 5 aircraft were controlled.
15 Sep 65
"Mandan Hunt I". An STP exercise that lasted 7 hours.
21 Sep 65
F/L G Todd from St. Hubert visited the unit and re-evaluated the areas in the squadron operation that were below standard at the previous TAC Evaluation. The unit passed with flying colors.
30 Sep 65
"Big Blast Delta". A Mode I only NORAD wide exercise that lasted for 2 hours and 30 minutes.
13 – 16 Oct 65
Transformer in the 27 tower blew. The unit was off the air for the time indicated before repair could be effected.
19 Oct 65
F/L Cline from St. Hubert gave the semi-annual Controllers exam to F/Ls Tate and Niles and F/O Glussich.
20 Oct 65
"Sauk Brave III". A live NORAD exercise that lasted for 2 hours. 2 aircraft were controlled.
26 Oct 65
"Winnebago Echo" DUNS exercise live. Duration 5 hours and 10 minutes of which 45 minutes were spent in a Mode III environment. 3 aircraft were controlled.
2 Dec 65
Testing BUIC Phase II – three tests run and passed.
7 Dec 65
Desk Top VIII Part III – nil participation other than Trusted Agent inputs.
8 Dec 65
Mr. Webb, Marconi Tech Rep arrived to inspect main bearing of FPS-27.
15 Dec 65
Desk Top VIII part IV – Nil participation other than Trusted Agent inputs.
27 – 29 Dec 65
BUIC Phase II – several test runs run on Mode I to Mode III switching procedures with Calumet NCC.