Historical Record
913th AC&W Squadron
Pagwa, ON
913th ACWRON, Pagwa Air Station |
John B McLaughlin, Major, USAF |
Sault Ste. Marie Air Defense Sector (ADC) |
None |
Authority: 30th ADIV Regulation 24-13, dated 3 July 1959 |
Officers |
Airmen |
Civilians |
Total |
Assigned |
17 |
145 |
0 |
162 |
Attached |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Radar and Communications Equipment: AN/FPS-20A; AN/GPX-7A; AN/GRC-27 5ea; AN/FRT-501 4ea; AN/FRT-502 2ea; AN/GRR-7 2ea; AN/FRT-503 1ea; AN/GRT-3 2ea; CR-91A 4ea; URG-60 5ea. |
Personnel: During the period of 1 January 1961 through 31 March 1961 the squadron personnel gains and losses were as follows: Gains Officers, 4; Airmen, 37; Losses Officers, 4; Airmen, 27. Personnel shortages in the lower four grades had a definite affect on squadron morale, as it was necessary for airmen to be placed, more often, on such details as KP, trash run and unloading rations. Operations: During the period 1 January through 31 March 1961, the Operations section gains and losses were as follows: Gains Officers, 3; Airmen, 9; Losses Officers, 3; Airmen, 7. Operational activities for this section include 374 training intercepts; 20 sector or higher level scheduled exercises, of which 19 were successfully conducted and one cancelled. One airman completed OJT for five level, took the test, and is now awaiting the test results. One airman was placed on OJT for a seven level AFSC. Three rated Weapons Controllers completed Arctic Survival School at KI Sawyer AFB. All presently assigned Weapons Controllers are currently Combat Ready. All scopes, controls, and equipment for both AN/FPS-6B RHIs were installed in the Operations Room, and are awaiting operational acceptance. A solar Index (sun strobe) Radar Quality Control program has been initiated to supplement the normal Radar Quality Control program. Communications and Electronics: The C&E Section experienced the following personnel gains and losses: Gains Officers, 0; Airmen, 12; Losses Officers, 1; Airmen, 4. There has been much activity during this quarter in all of the C&E sections. The following is a resume of the activities: Two new AN/FPS-6B height finders, including rigid radomes, have been completed and are awaiting operational acceptance. Many new pieces of test equipment have been received and used, such as AN/UPM-84 Spectrum Analyzers. The GKA-5 time-division data-link was approved for this station. The following expenditures were used against the budget for the period 1 January through 31 March 1961. (Telephone Charges) Expenditures $5,000.00; Allotted $5,700.00 The problems encountered were of normal nature with the exception of the personnel shortage problem in both Radar and Radio Maintenance. It is hoped that the 4602nd Support Wing will be able to alleviate these existing shortages. The section started the project of establishing an MCC Center, which should be completed in the next quarter. The amateur radio building and equipment was moved to a new location adjacent to the transmitter building, and is operating effectively. Projects "Let Loose" and "Shape Up" were undertaken and completed. Supply: During the period, the Supply section experienced the following personnel gains and losses: Gains Officers, 1; Airmen, 1; Losses Officers, 1; Airmen, 1. Approximately $50,000.00 was spent on supplies and equipment, including a new bulldozer, a trackmaster, and a tractor. In March the 4602nd Support Wing Staff Assistance Team rated the section as marginal. An immediate and continuous effort was made to bring the section back to satisfactory status. During this period, the Supply NCOIC had to be evacuated to the hospital, leaving the section on 60% manned and without a qualified supervisor. A very capable NCO was borrowed from the 912th AC&W Squadron at Ramore, Ontario, to assist in operation of the section until a new NCO arrived. Civil Engineering: The Civil Engineering personnel gains and losses for the period are as follows: Gains Officers, 0; Airmen, 2; Losses Officers, 0; Airmen,3. The 4602nd Support Wing (ADC) conducted a Staff Assistance Visit during the period of 6-8 March 1961. Various areas were found to be marginal and an additional visit was conducted during the period 19-25 March 1961. The latter visit was designed to provide further technical assistance. A complete review of the staff assistance visit may be found in the Staff Visit Report dated 17 March 1961. A problem area record book has been initiated in which a record is kept of major problem areas, their causes, and solutions. This is designed to inform future personnel of conditions they might expect during various seasons. The Multi-Purpose Building and the new Barracks, constructed by Hill-Clark-Francis Construction Company have been accepted and are in operational status. Several other constructed projects have been completed, or are in the process of completion. They are listed in the Project Status Report, RCS: AF-K5. A new system of work control for projects, other than preventative maintenance, has been introduced. It involves the use of AF Form 332, Work Order Request Form. Various sections requesting projects will submit their request on AF Form 332 and, upon approval, these requests will be assigned a Local Work Order number by this section. This method has proved to be very effective in work control and scheduling. Security and Law Enforcement: There were no personnel gains or losses in this section during the period 1 January through 31 March 1961. A 24 hour post was initiated at the entrance to the Operations and Power House area. A considerable number of "Restricted Area" signs were put up. The two minor problems remaining are: (1) to provide better security for the Operations and Power House area, and (2) to obtain proper and adequate equipment for Gate #2. Motor Pool: Personnel gains and losses for the period consisted of five airmen gains and two airmen losses. This section gained, in the way of equipment, a front-end loader, a Trackmaster, and a TD-15 Dozer. Equipment turned in consisted of one wheeled tractor, one M29C Cargo Carrier, and one TD-18 Dozer. Innovations, plans, and projects undertaken are as follows: (a) A drivers testing program has been initiated; (b) The Motor Pool section received a "Satisfactory" rating from 4602nd Support Wing during the Staff Assistance Visit. A request was made to the 4602nd for a 600 gallon fuel trailer to replace the present refuelling truck which is driven less than 100 miles per year, and pumps less than 600 gallons of fuel per month. The request was granted, and ADC approval of the UAL is awaited. (c) The strips on the floors of the maintenance room and the office have been repainted. (d) One man on OJT to the 47170 Field. (e) Two maintenance men spent one day at supply going through the parts bins and making an accurate list of the parts on hand and the proper location of the parts. Supply was given a list of the parts that are no longer required and should be disposed of. Food Services: Personnel gains and losses for the period consisted of one airman gain and one airman loss. Due to the shortage of Food Service Personnel, one serving line was made longer to give better service. During the month of March, one airman was on loan from the Communications section for 30 days to perform clerical and stockroom duties. During the month of March, the 4602nd Support Wing performed a Staff Assistance Visit, with sanitation rated as "Unsatisfactory". Immediate steps were taken to correct discrepancies and the overall situation. Many unserviceable items of equipment were turned into Supply and the following items, badly needed for efficient operation, are now on requisition: Ice Machine, Dishwasher, Deep-fat-fryer, steam kettle, and new China and Silverware. A new air-conditioning system is to be installed, and is expected to be completed as of 15 April 1961. In the very near future, the entire kitchen and dining room will be repainted and re-papered, and, upon arrival of a new dishwasher, the clipper room will be remodelled. Special Services: There were no personnel gains or losses during the reporting period. A special grant was received from 30th ADIV for 70 wall speakers, at the cost of $10.85 each. These speakers, used for WBR, are installed in the new facilities, and as replacements for unserviceable equipment. On 20 March 1961, the Multi-Purpose recreation building was accepted and the two lane Bowling Alley was put into operation. The building also contains the BX, Library, and a snack-bar. Ski equipment and ice skates were received. A ski hill, an ice skating pond, and a toboggan run were operated. The base basketball team competed in the Pine Tree Tournament at Lowther Air Station on 1 February 1961, and took third place. The team also competed in the Osciolla, Wisconsin Invitational tournament in March, and took third place in this event. |
Typed Name and Grade of Commander John B McLaughlin, Major, USAF |
Signature |