Pagwa, ON

1980 - Memories of Pagwa - Linda Houston

I lived in a DOT house at Pagwa between 1957 to 1961. My father was a DOT employee. I don't remember much about Pagwa except having to wear mosquito hats to play outside, the train stopping to deliver groceries, and some of the shenanigans my brother and I and the other kids played.

All the furnishings and buildings were sold a few years after the radar station closed in 1966. This included the DOT houses. Everything had been sold off including some of the DOT houses. Any thing left was torn apart and used for "fire wood". People from Kapuskasing, Hearst and the region made the one day drive up to Pagwa via a bush road off highway 11 at the Pagwa River bridge (26 miles - 2 hours of driving in the bush) to pick up the bargains. Many homes in the area now have furnishings that once were part of the radar station or the airport.

I drove the Pagwa road in July 1980 and there was nothing left of the radar station or the airport at that time. The Pagwa road was a bush road used by logging trucks serving the mills in Hearst. If you drove up the road today you would still see portions of the DOT houses that were dismantled and did not make it around the very sharp corners. There are still some of the original houses (used as summer homes) standing today on the east side of the river as well as the log school house.

My dad still has contact with some of the people that worked at the airport from 1957 to 1961. He would be a great person to fill in many of the blanks. Unfortunatley he is far from being e-mail connected.