Saglek, Labrador

1961 - Somewhere - Unknown

The beauty struck harshly at my senses. Lofty hopes and dreams saturated my mind; but snow, rock and rugged mountains filled my eyes.

Crushed in spirit, I slipped into somewhere from another world. Rain beat at my face, leaving the impression of tears. Inside, my personal tears flooded my soul, threatening to drown my entire being. Faces that gazed at me were void of light, happiness or joy; eyes were set in an eternal stare. What could be the cause of this weird tableau of nature?

Only God himself knew why these faces that belonged to lonely creatures were involved in this weird tableau of nature. One hundred strong, these men were part of a unique group. A group of persons remembered in dreams and thoughts only. The men were somewhere defending principles, ideals and a world they could not see or be a part of.

Life was a void, filled with dreams, disappointments and mail planes. Daily life being a routine, they lived a day at a time, hoping time would vanish and they would once again become part of the world they were extracted from. My presence added nothing to help these aliens of civilization and I became one of them. Time began a long countdown while men came and men departed.

Now, my time is near at hand. I have been part of people's lives; they of mine. When time closes my stay, I will return to my natural habitat civilization. This somewhere has taken a year of my life, but I will take part of this vast somewhere with me forever, so the scales are balanced. I must never pass this way again.

Why these men, these words of depression, solitude, hope and dreams.

There is but one answer: a place somewhere called Saglek.

Dedicated to those assigned to the 924th AC&W Squadron, In the Past, Present and Future

-- Note: Writer unknown. Found at Saglek and passed on to others.