We are fotunate to have obtained two different sets of photogrpahs for Lac St. Denis. Bob Agar visited the location in August and Ron Guy made his trip in September.
Ron reported that the HF Site in St. Adolf was totally gone and is now part of a big field. You will notice that a number of his photos could use some additional identification detail. If you happen to recognize anything and you can provide a more detailed description - please send us an email message and we will update the detail accordingly.
Bob Agar made the following report: We visited both the domestic and the Ops site at Lac St. Denis. We were surprised to find a lot of construction activity taking place at the Ops site. Workers were removing all the inner walls and floors of the main Operations building. The inside of the Ops building is all gutted and empty now. They had two small bulldozers and a truck inside removing everything but the main cement pillars and the steel beams. One fellow came out but he only spoke French. All I managed to get from him was that I could not take any pictures and that I had to leave. By then, some other workers had come over, but they only spoke French. I had to remind myself that I was in Quebec. Finally, I found a fellow in a car that spoke broken English. He was wearing a white dress shirt with officers "pips" on his shoulders. I told him who I was, that I had been there in the mid 1950s, that I was from the west coast, and that I would like to take a few pictures. He approved my request and indicated that if anyone tried to stop me, I was to tell them that "Sunshine" (his nickname) said it was OK. Apparently everyone knew who he was. I was able to gather that they were gutting out the main Ops building, but I couldn't understand what he said they planned for it. Construction workers will be taking down the Theatre next. They are already cleaning it out. It appears as if they are trying to make the base more useable and with this in mind, they are trying to clean up as much of the junk as possible. I believe that parts of the base was bought by a Montreal Mission a while ago - with the intention of sending some of the street kids up here from Montreal. I saw other people on the domestic site wearing the same type of mission uniform.
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Updated: January 28, 2000