11 Radio Unit - Ferrer Point, BC.

Lucking, WO2 Alfred

Lucking, WO2 Alfred - Mention in Despatches

Western Air Command Marine Squadron - Western Air Command Headquarters - Award effective 2 February 1946 as per Canada Gazette of that date and AFRO 280/46 dated 15 March 1946. Enlisted in Vancouver, 28 August 1942.

During the year 1944 and up to the present date, Warrant Officer Second Class Lucking, as Master of the M537 "Arrow", has been responsible for carrying provisions, equipment and moving personnel between Zeballos, Tofino and the radio detachment at Ferrer Point on the west coast of Vancouver Island. During summer and winter this Warrant Officer, under adverse conditions, showed devotion to duty, high courage and extremely fine seamanship in keeping the radio detachment at Ferrer Point happy by regularly supplying them with provisions, mail and moving of personnel. His courage and determination have set a fine example for all to follow.

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Updated: April 9, 2003