26 Radio Unit - Langara Island, BC.

1944 - The Rest of the Story

This photo depicts the work camp tent of #9CMU Telecom Group on Langara Island. This camp was on the opposite side from #26 Radio Unit. The CMU project was to place communication and power lines between the Radar site and a remote telephone transmitter site which would enable #26 Radio Unit to be in direct contact with the mainland at RCAF Station Prince Rupert, BC.

This picture was taken at low tide and shows the rowboat and small barge used for bringing supplies in from the supply boat standing off shore. At higher tides, this rocky shoreline made it tricky to manoeuver the loaded rowboat to shore without an upset. Usually two volunteers, pockets emptied - because they knew they would get wet if not completely dunked - took the rowboat in and out to the supply boat.

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Updated: November 21, 2003