9 Radio Unit - Spider Island, BC.

McKenzie, F/O Hugh Lawrence

McKenzie, F/O Hugh Lawrence (C35934) - Mention in Despatches

McKENZIE, F/O Hugh Lawrence (C35934) - Mention in Despatches - No. 9 Radio Unit - Award effective 14 June 1945 as per Canada Gazette of that date and AFRO 1127/45 dated 6 July 1945. Home in Rocanville, Saskatchewan; enlisted in Winnipeg, 18 August 1942. Certificate mailed to him 4 July 1945.

As Commanding Officer of an isolated radio unit, this officer has set an example of cheerfulness and progressiveness that have been an example to all personnel under him. The interest he has taken in his men has resulted in an excellently operated unit with very high morale. Despite the extreme isolation of this unit, this officer has maintained a high standard in every respect and is worthy of the highest praise.

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Updated: June 8, 2004