Grostenquin, France
Trip to the Riviera - July 1962

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  1. (L-R) Heather ? and Ed Browne at the Ste. Maxime camp site - July 1962.
    Ed and Heather were brought to France from Canada for the summer youth programs Courtesy Barry Sheard.

  2. (L-R) Ed Browne and Heather at the Ste. Maxime camp site - July 1962.
    Courtesy Barry Sheard.

  3. (L-R) Lorrie Dellar, Ron Charco, Mel Johnston, Bob Graham, and an unidentified teen trying to set up a tent - July 1962.
    Courtesy Barry Sheard.

  4. Ron Charco standing beside a scooter at the Kon Tiki camp site in St. Tropez - July 1962.
    Courtesy Barry Sheard.

  5. Barry Sheard by his scooter at the Kon Tiki camp site in St. Tropez - July 1962.
    Courtesy Barry Sheard.

  6. Barry Sheard (center) with his scooter and two unidentified German teens at the Kon Tiki camp site in St. Tropez - July 1962.
    Courtesy Barry Sheard.

  7. (L-R) Barbara Lalonde and Ron Charko at St. Tropez - July 1962.
    Courtesy Barbara Lalonde (McEachern).

  8. (L-R) Pete LaMontagne, Hazen Gilks, unknown - July 1962.
    Courtesy Barbara Lalonde (McEachern).

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All photos are used with permission.

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